Finding YOURSELF Through Motherhood™

Rediscover Your True Self:
A Journey for Mothers

Empower yourself and find balance after becoming a mother.

Rediscover Your True Self:
A Journey for Mothers

Empower yourself and find balance after becoming a mother.

Rediscover Your True Self:
A Journey for Mothers

Empower yourself and find balance after becoming a mother.


We are all born knowing our worth and birthright to feel loved and to love.

But things get in the way. From a very young age.

  • Familial conditioning. Social and cultural programming. Messages around us tell us what we need to do and who we need to be to 'fit in', be loved, feel safe, and have our basic needs met.
  • This leads to an internal narrative, or, that ‘inner mean’ voice, which aims to keep us in check, hold us to account and pull our strings so that we behave like the puppet we feel we need to be, to live in the systems we live in.
  • School. Work. Motherhood. The parts we feel we need to play to feel loved. To belong. To feel safe.
  • This narrative and act prevents us from knowing ourselves completely. Our authentic self before this programming got in the way. It keeps us from living the most authentic valued life we could ever live.



Embracing who we truly are and reaping the endless benefits of this.

Because we are scared. If people really saw 'ME' they would leave. I would be alone. It would not be good enough.

WRONG - Finding YOURSELF Through Motherhood™ is the journey to discovering the programming that led you to feel like.

I HAVE NO IDEA WHO I AM -  That led you to feel your WORTH was dependent. That means you are living a life you feel you should live rather than one that you actually want to live.

Finding YOURSELF Through Motherhood™ supports you to discover who you are underneath all of this.
Your truest most AUTHENTIC SELF and make life and daily choices based on this.

The result? The greatest of JOYS. A visceral sense of GRATITUDE and LOVE. A lifetime of AUTHENTIC, self-assured choices that bring you closer to joy and love.

Confirmation. You have always been GOOD ENOUGH, JUST AS YOU ARE.

Hello Lovely Ones

It is wonderful to have you here. Let me introduce you to…

Finding YOURSELF Through Motherhood™

This 12-week online course is designed to help Mothers RECONNECT WITH THEMSELVES, find BALANCE, and achieve personal GROWTH through rediscovering who they are. 

This course will help you to:

  • Rediscover WHO YOU ARE and FALL IN LOVE with that person
  • Understand what and who you truly value, and move towards a VALUED LIFE
  • Manage OVERWHELM and BALANCE the competing demands of Motherhood and your other values
  • COMMUNICATE with others more effectively and respectfully 
  • Break GENERATIONAL PATTERNS and make CONSCIOUS decisions about parenting
  • Build a supportive COMMUNITY

“I feel like part of me had got a little bit lost since becoming a Mum and I’d been letting the guilt and overwhelm dictate me and had lost sight of my own needs along the way. This has changed so much, and I can’t thank Laura enough. I highly recommend the course – you won’t regret doing it!”

Are you ready to find your TRUE SELF?

This course uses the foundations you need to do this INNER WORK, provided within 12 weeks of support.


  • Professional PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC support

What does it look like ….

Weekly Online sessions for 12 weeks Starting September 5th (8pm BST on Thursdays)

All sessions are recorded if you cannot make the live sessions.

A week of teaching, followed by a week of support and consolidation (space to let the learning and magic work)

Access to a private Facebook community with me in it.  To connect with your tribe, share, ask questions, be supported in your journey…I can be as active in here as you want to support you every step of the way.

Access to a lifetime of living in total authentic alignment of who you are and making life choices from this place…priceless!

Are you ready to find your TRUE SELF through Motherhood?

Within the programme we will cover ...

6 Sessions of Evidence-Based Psychological Teaching on:

Understanding the WHY behind your feelings. Your experience. Your thoughts. Knowing you are not alone, and it is not a sign you are doing anything wrong or that you must try harder. You are not the problem.

Emotional awareness and regulation…learn those techniques to model how to do this to your children.

Using your emotions and physiology to guide understanding your needs…learning to give yourself permission to meet them…learning to communicate those needs effectively.

Moving from the self-critic, to the self-compassionate…learning to love yourself unconditionally, in the way you love your children.

Recognising you have always had the answers within you all along, and we are here to help you discover them.

Learning how to listen to your intuition, to make decisions from love, and not fear or conditioning.

Learning to trust that you can handle whatever life throws at you. Being in total control is not the answer. It is an illusion of safety. We will support you to let go of control, embrace uncertainty, and move towards presence.

These Educational Sessions are Interwoven with 6 Sessions of Community, Sharing, Coaching & Support

From me, an Accredited Psychotherapist and specialist Maternal Mental Health Coach, AND your community. 

You also have access to a private community of like-minded Mothers, all looking for those same authentic, supportive relationships.  All ready to be there for you in a way that may have been missing in your life so far. 

Through my own personal journey of finding myself, and professional experience of supporting so many Mothers, I know how crucial, this part of the programme is to really enhance your success. 

We need time and space to allow these big ideas and revelations, to settle.  We need professional support to answer those questions that can be answered, and social support for those big existential ones that cannot.

We need our tribe, Mamas.  Our true tribe that accepts us just the way we are.  That supports us, whilst we learn how to support ourselves.  That believe in us, whilst we learn to believe in ourselves. 

I could give you all the evidence-based teaching in the world, but without AUTHENTIC support and true cheerleaders around you, change is really, tough, and sometimes can feel impossible. 



“The support from the others on the course has been amazing too! It’s been so good to have that little community to vent to, laugh with and share in the craziness that is motherhood. To know that you’ve got a bunch of women who have got your back and are there to listen and support is lovely. We’re all still in touch and I hope we will be for a long time!”

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This will be through our coaching and support sessions and our private Facebook community.

Who Am I?

I’m Laura Greenwood, a Mum, Psychotherapist and Maternal Mental Health Coach and Iovingly created this course to help other Mothers, YOU, find balance and joy in their lives. With over 16 years of experience working in the mental health and wellbeing field, 5 years of being a Mother and a deep understanding of motherhood challenges, I’m here to support YOU.

This course is based on my own personal, and years of professional experience, finding TRUESELVES, outside of what the world and significant others told us we could be. Should be. We all absorb these stories. Choosing to live by them. As a way of fitting in. Finding love. Seeking acceptance. As a child it is unconscious. Sometimes, as an adult, it is too! But we stick to them, not knowing another way.


There is often an inner conflict. A lacking. A sense that we are not, really, happy. Yet we want to be. We feel we should be because we have everything we thought we ever wanted. Right? There is a disconnect from the life we live, our emotions totally governed by external influences and early life conditioning ……


This course gives you the foundations for discovering that beautiful, loving individual, you truly are, outside of that conditioned narrative in your mind. Outside of that voice which says you are not good enough just as you are. That your worth is based on your productivity. On being liked. On helping and supporting others, at the expense of your own needs. This course helps you to build a life from that authentic place. A valued life.

A life of more JOY, LOVE and CONNECTION, than you could ever believe was possible. Making the next right step in the right decision, in each moment. From a place of intuition, not fear. From a place of total authenticity. Not a perfect life with no struggle… that does not exist.


This is how you will continue to live THE BEST LIFE that is not dependent on acquiring anything external. The World needs more Mothers stepping into their unique blend of extraordinary.

So are you ready to make your next best step?

Sign up for Finding Yourself Through Motherhood today™

We start on September 5th!


“Who I am since becoming a mum? A question that I often found myself pondering and a question that I struggled to answer. I was trying to be all things to all people the best mum, the best wife, the best friend, the best business partner, the best colleague, the best daughter but feeling like I was failing at them all and losing myself in the process what about the best me?”

This Course is For The Mothers …

At any point of their Maternal journey …

new mum, toddler mum, school mum, children left home Mum.

Who are ready to reconnect to their true selves …

the self you have always been, deep down.

Who want to make conscious decisions …

about parenting, about life. From their intuition, instinct, rather than societal norms and expectations.

Who feel like they have lost themselves …

to Motherhood.

Who are ready to work on …

those psychological wounds that Motherhood has unearthed.

Who are ready to break generational patterns …

patterns that do not serve them or the generations that came before them.

Who are ready to be the change …

they needed, for their own children.

Who are ready to Mother and LIVE by their own Values!

Who are ready to find YOU …

and know deep down, that there is a wonderful, amazing, authentic, unique person, waiting to be discovered.

This Programme IS....

A lifestyle change ...

A change that will mean ...

you live the most conscious, authentic life. True to yourself, making conscious intuitive decisions that FEEL right for you and your family.

Designed to help you ...

use that feeling and experience of pure unconditional love for your children, and channel that towards yourself, so that you can model true self love, to your children.


"I truly believe I reached out to Laura at just the right time and was led to the course I never knew I needed, but I'm not sure what I would have done without. Not only does this course offer Laura's expert knowledge and guidance, which would have been enough, the support environment created really is something unique.

The mix of learning sessions, support sessions where everyone has chance to contribute what they feel they can, and WhatsApp chat has given me insights, points of view and confidence to carry on my self-development journey. I reached out thinking it was all about me knowing what to do for the best for my little boy, but now I know it should start with me working on myself and I give myself permission to do that now.

Whatever point in motherhood or your self-discovery journey you're at this course works for you. Laura's knowledge, expertise, passion and empathy in the Maternal Mental Health space are inspiring and we need more of her."

Taking this step is brave lovelies. 

AND I know you are considering it because you now see that change is necessary.


For you. For your kids. And for their kids.


You are a changemaker. A breaker of GENERATIONAL PATTERNS.


YOU are too amazing to ignore. 


It is time to invest in yourself. 


So, are you ready to FIND YOU?


One-time payment of £998 or 3 payments of £332.66.*

* Klarna's Pay in 3 / Pay in 30 days are unregulated credit agreements. Borrowing more than you can afford or paying late may negatively impact your financial status and ability to obtain credit. 18+, UK residents only. Subject to status. Ts&Cs and late fees apply.

“Laura has truly changed my mindset and has changed my way of thinking. I know my life and hopefully the children's lives will be better because of it.”

Some FAQs

Lovelies, I am on a mission to change the way Mothers are supported and valued by our society. In so so many ways. This course is about supporting you to be part of that change. Because change needs to come from above, and it needs to come from you.

YOU are too amazing to ignore.
So, are you ready to FIND YOU?

You have no idea how excited I am to support you to do that!


laura greenwood signature

Lovelies, I am on a mission to change the way Mothers are supported and valued by our society. In so so many ways. This course is about supporting you to be part of that change. Because change needs to come from above, and it needs to come from you.

YOU are too amazing to ignore.
So, are you ready to FIND YOU?

You have no idea how excited I am to support you to do that!


laura greenwood signature

Interested but have questions? Send me a message and let’s explore what may be holding you back.

You are not going back to an old version, but a new more authentic version. 

The YOU that you have always meant to be.

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