Meet The Team

Supporting you to live the life that you love

Meet the team



Laura Greenwood is the founder of the Laura Greenwood Therapy Team and the Lead Psychotherapist. She is also a Maternal Mental Health Coach, Clinical Supervisor, Teacher, Consultant, Workplace Educator and Speaker with 16+ years of experience.

Laura has carefully selected this team of amazing therapists and professionals who are here to help you in numerous ways. She and the team use CBT, EMDR, compassion-focused therapy, and other evidence-based methods to support clients to reach their therapy goals.

The team shares Laura’s passion, and mission to help clients overcome these difficulties, realise their full potential, and live the life they love.

Elspeth Campbell


Elspeth is a Mum and qualified Cognitive Behavioural Therapist with a deep passion for supporting parents and families through the highs and lows of their journey. She specialises in online mental health support for pregnancy, birth, and beyond, working to empower parents to overcome the unique challenges that parenthood presents.

Her personal experience of postnatal struggles and the challenges of parenthood gives her a unique perspective and a deep understanding of what parents go through. She has been in your shoes and is here to walk this path with you.

Elspeth also has a focus on neurodiversity, rooted in her own experiences as a Mother to a child with ADHD. She understands the unique challenges that neurodiverse families face and is committed to providing guidance, empathy, and therapeutic support to help them navigate this journey.

When Elspeth isn’t working, she enjoys watching her son play rugby, doing CrossFit, and yoga, spending time outdoors with her family and catching up with friends. When she’s not out and about you’ll find her cosying up in front of the TV or nose-deep in a book with a cup of tea/glass of wine depending on the time of day!

Sarah Cosway


Sarah is a BABCP accredited Therapist and has been supporting people with their mental health for over ten years, both within the NHS and in her own practice. Although her core training was in traditional CBT, she very much lean towards Acceptance and Commitment therapy, which fits well with her drive to create a compassionate, warm and engaging therapy experience with the people she is supporting.

Prior to training to become a therapist, Sarah was a European Patent Attorney working in the large corporate legal division of a multi-national organisation and experienced first-hand, the challenges of juggling the role of professional working woman with the role of being mama to young children. So, it’s probably not a surprise that some of her most rewarding work has been with women in similar shoes. Sarah wants you to feel supported and empowered in a way that she wishes she could have been!

When Sarah isn't working, she enjoys teaching herself to sew, reading her way through her ever growing book mountain, spending time with girlfriends and providing 'mama's taxi service' for her two mancubs.

Tanya Wright


As a working new Mum, Tanya knows first-hand that life can feel really overwhelming at times. We can find ourselves feeling stuck, despite doing the best we can to try and cope. She realises that you may not be sure where to start and that’s okay too. It is our job to help guide you.

Tanya offers a compassionate and curious approach in therapy, to help make sense of what is going on for you. Together, we will find ways to move your life forward in a way that is meaningful for you. She tailors principles from a range of therapeutic approaches to meet your needs and goals. These include Eye Movement and Desensitisation Reprocessing therapy (EMDR), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Compassion Focussed Therapy (CFT).

When Tanya isn’t working, she loves spending time with her husband and son, drinking a hot frothy coffee and getting her fix of live music. She loves to travel and explore a new place so can often be found planning her next trip away!



Jordan is a skilled and compassionate CBT and EMDR therapist, with additional skills in psychosexual therapy. With over a decade of experience in the mental health field, Jordan has worked extensively in both public and private sectors. She spent six years with the NHS, where she honed her therapeutic skills, before transitioning into a clinical management role with the Ministry of Defence for two years. For the past three years, she has been dedicated to private practice.

Jordan supports clients across a wide spectrum of anxiety disorders, but she is particularly passionate about helping parents who have experienced birth trauma—a journey she understands deeply through her own personal experience. Additionally, she specialises in supporting women through various life stages, including prenatal and postnatal periods, menopause, and beyond. With a warm and empathetic approach, Jordan is committed to helping her clients navigate their challenges and achieve lasting emotional well-being.

As a new mother to a beautiful 6-month-old daughter, Jordan balances her professional life with the joys of parenthood. In her personal time, she enjoys cooking, taking nature walks with her dog Bear, and immersing herself in self-development and manifestation practices. An advocate of slow and simple living, she finds inspiration in YouTube content that reflects these values, and she loves to incorporate these principles into her daily life.

Emma Edis-Bates


Emma is a BABCP-accredited CBT Therapist who has been working in Talking Therapies services in the NHS for over 10 years, with experience in treating depression and anxiety. Her main specialities are overcoming perfectionism, social anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and low self-esteem.

Emma is very passionate about supporting clients in pregnancy and parenthood. She also works in the Perinatal Team within the NHS.

Emma has personal experience of challenges in pregnancy and parenthood and is extremely empathetic to the challenges that this time can bring. These difficulties include baby acid reflux, difficulties feeding due to tongue tie, and not being able to sleep in the cot to name a few. She appreciates how much parents need practical support as well as emotional support, so that they think positively about themselves, feel empowered and get the help they deserve.

When Emma isn’t working, she loves to travel and adventure, when she gets the time. She enjoys dog walks and podcasts and is a massive foodie so loves seeing her friends for food and a glass of wine and maybe a dance too (when she has the energy!)

Kelly Thistlethwaite


Kelly is an experienced Trauma-Informed Yoga and Breath Work instructor. She is a specialist in pre and postnatal Yoga, Breathwork, nervous system education and regulation techniques, to support the wellbeing of Mothers.

Kelly is also a Matrescence Coach and Mama Rising™ facilitator, walking alongside Mothers as they go through the huge life-changing experience, transformation and shift in identity that comes when you become a Mother.

Kelly has a particular interest in supporting Women following birth trauma and loss. She supports Women to process their trauma and grief responses, to build capacity within the nervous system, feel safe and connected in the world again.

Since becoming a Mother, she has experienced birth trauma, missed miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy and felt the effects physically, emotionally, and mentally. She has also recently had her rainbow baby and knows first-hand that pregnancy after loss and birth trauma is filled with anxiety and fear.

All the techniques that she uses to support women have helped her to navigate her own traumatic experiences and she hopes they will help and support you too.

When Kelly isn’t working you can find her enjoying quality time with her two beautiful girls and husband. One of her favourite things to do is to catch the sunrise and sunset and will often be found watching them with a warm coffee or whilst swimming in cold water. She loves wild swimming, Yoga, walking in the hills and a good workout. She also loves a shandy, live music, a jigsaw and Yorkshire puddings (true Yorkshire lass).

Paul Ledger


Paul, our Paternal Mental Health specialist, has been working within Mental Health for 17 years. After completing his BSc in Clinical Psychology, he worked with the Red Cross Children’s Hospital in South Africa, supporting children who had been affected by trauma. His UK experience includes acute psychiatric inpatient wards, community mental health teams, and delivering evidence-based psychological treatment for common mental health struggles within the NHS.

Paul's qualifications include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), Virtual Reality Enhanced CBT (VR-CBT), and working with additional Long-Term Health Conditions and Medically Unexplained Symptoms. His particular interest areas are post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), breaking intergenerational cycles of traumas, children and young people (CYP), and working with other cultures.

Last year he became a parent for the first time and says it has been a privilege to become a Dad, even if it is by far the most difficult thing that he has ever done. Entering patrescence certainly has been an eye-opening experience; the role change, the sacrifices you make, how your life is not your own anymore, and how your values become recalibrated in an instant. Paul wants to help as many people as he can through this sometimes-maddening time.

In his free time (which he says he doesn’t get too much of anymore), he likes playing tennis, running, trekking up mountains, photography, watching movies, listening to audiobooks, walking their dog, Poppy, and spending time with the family.

Sarah O’Callaghan


Sarah is an accredited BABCP Psychotherapist with over 18 years working in the NHS and private practice. Previously a mental health nurse working with children, adults and families in a broad range of settings, Sarah completed her training as a Psychotherapist due to a passion for working therapeutically with people.

Her core training is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, but Sarah works across many modalities and draws on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) to inform her practice. Sarah prides herself on bringing warmth and engagement and firmly believes in making therapy fit with what a person needs, as opposed to the person fitting the therapy.

Sarah works compassionately, and empathically, with both individual parents and couples who are experiencing anxieties within pregnancy, have had a traumatic birth or have experienced the loss of a baby.

Sarah has a specialist interest in validating the experiences of parents who are struggling with any part of the parenting journey. A mum of two and with lived experience of neurodiversity, she knows just how hard it can be to try and keep all of the plates spinning.

Sarah loves to travel and give her children opportunities to learn about different cultures around the world. She enjoys running for headspace over fitness, and in recent years has found a new love for reading.

Amanda Henderson


Amanda proudly runs Thread HR – ‘holding businesses together and making them stronger’ and is excited to be the HR arm of team LGT.

She has degree-level and above qualifications in marketing, operations, and HR, as well as having been responsible for teams and P&L accounts.  In the HR and People space, she can really give pragmatic and well-rounded solutions!

Having worked with a variety of clients and experienced a variety of companies as an employee, Amanda knows that there are enormous and numerous ways that companies can support their parents and hoping-to-be parents.  The world has come a long way in this area, but oh boy, there is so far to still go to achieve parental equality in workplaces (and society!)

Amanda personally benefitted from CBT after a traumatic experience after the birth of her youngest daughter.  She believes that Team LGT are incredible for being who they are doing what they do and is honoured to be playing a supportive role in enabling the benefits of their work to get to more people.

When Amanda isn’t working, she loves spending time with her husband and girls (baking, visiting the park and swimming are firm favourites!). She runs and rows regularly, with an occasional road cycle at the weekend, and she loves a good book.

Laura Batchelor


Laura is the Chief Operating Officer for Laura Greenwood Therapy. She has an 18-year background in full-service marketing agencies and supports Laura with the full marketing mix including spreading our word through PR and email marketing.

In charge of content and communications, tech and reading the all-important T’s and C’s, she is Laura’s second pair of eyes and right-hand woman!

Laura has two boys and struggled herself with the shift of becoming a Mother. Seeking answers, she invested in her own maternal coaching and decided she wanted to focus her own marketing business on helping therapists and coaches spread their word.

When Laura isn’t working, she is watching her boys play football, riding her horses, or drinking wine or coffee with her partner or friends!

Jeremy Stockdale


Jeremy is our Leadership Consultant and draws upon two decades in the banking industry leading large, diverse and multi-functional teams across the UK and Africa.

His passion for Leadership, Gender Equity and Allyship, combined with his extensive experience and business acumen help organisations and individuals to lead their people with purpose, compassion, courage and a desire for continuous learning and development.

Working with us on the corporate side of our work, he says: "For years women have fallen onto one side or the other of the ‘Maternal Wall’; either you can’t be fully committed to your career because you have or expect to have children or you’re an uncaring mother. We need to change this narrative and make it inclusive of fathers too. Organisations that create a culture that enables ALL parents the flexibility to have fulfilling careers, whilst raising their families, will find it easier to attract and retain diverse talent. They will also have a workforce that is loyal and committed, more engaged and more productive. It makes business sense."

In his spare time, he is an enthusiastic armchair sportsman, slow runner, Chelsea fan and most importantly, father to Phoebe and Toby.

LGT Meet The Team


I am on the lookout for a Psychotherapist who is either local to Huddersfield or happy to travel to offer therapy here, to join our specialist team!


- An Accredited Psychotherapist with base training in CBT and additional training in EMDR.

-A therapeutic style that is warm, personable, and approachable, whilst being able to effectively challenge clients to reach their goals and full potential.

-A parent! Clients come to us for our specialisms, and we are a team of parents supporting parents.  Whilst non-parents can support parents, we pride ourselves in being able to fully understand the challenges our clients face because we live and breathe them.

-A passion for supporting parents effectively at all levels of struggle, from pre-clinical mental health level to more complex mental health presentations.


-Either further training or a therapeutic style which embodies a values and compassion-driven approach (ACT, CFT).

-Additional training in other therapeutic approaches

Does this sound like you?!

Contact Laura today on




We cannot wait to support you

Contact us today, to see how we can help you move to live a life that you love.

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