Workplace Wellbeing

It’s time to talk about mental health and help people live the life they love

Support Your
Parent Employees -
Support Your Business.

What are the similarities between Parents & Businesses?

As a business leader myself, I know your business is your baby too and, as such, is important to you.

I also know that the benefits of supporting and valuing your parent and carer employees is monumental.

It benefits employees, business aims and outcomes related to recruitment, retention, productivity and inclusion.

But it ALSO has a collective benefit for society.

Supporting parents not only makes business sense; it makes moral sense too and is the right thing to do.

Parents, for too long have had to make the decision between being a present and active parent OR developing in their career. It should not have to be a choice and I do not believe it needs to be.

From both personal and professional experience, I know that when parents are supported and valued more effectively, they become MORE valuable to your business, not less.

Many businesses want to support their parents and carers more effectively. But are unsure how to do this and where to turn.

This is where we come in.

We are Laura Greenwood Therapy

A Psychotherapy & Wellbeing clinic specialising in Parental & Family Mental Health, for individuals and businesses. 

We provide evidence-based psychotherapy, individually and within groups, therapist-led workshops, talks and training, for organisations that are committed to providing a more inclusive and supportive workplace for their parent and carer employees.

We are here for your parent employees, managers and leaders. To work systemically and collaboratively. Creating a cultural shift within your businesses to embody a parenting inclusive workplace that feels authentic, that drives talent to your workplaces, retains them, and keeps them physically and mentally well within work.

We are led by Laura Greenwood - a Yorkshire-based Founder, Accredited Psychotherapist, Parental Mental Health Coach, Clinical Supervisor, Teacher, Consultant, Workplace Educator and Speaker with 17+ years of experience in Mental Health.

We want to create more workplaces that support true parental equity, which genuinely supports the wellbeing of parent employees. To match the changing landscape of what it means to be a parent today, and support parents to balance competing demands of caring and career. I do not believe it needs to be a choice between caring or career. Sadly, I had to leave my career within the NHS to create the balance that I needed which suited me and my family. Not everyone is an entrepreneur, and I know with better support for parents in workplaces, more parents and workplaces can thrive.

laura greenwood smiling on a windy day with pink and blue scarf blowing in the wind

Some worrying statistics....


Did you know that more mothers than ever (76%) are now balancing both parenting and a career (from Office of National Statistics, 2021)


85% of women leave full-time work within three years of having children. 19% leave work altogether. (Careers after Babies, 2022)


Unbelievably, 33% of working dads do not feel comfortable talking to their employers about their family commitments. (Bright Horizons, 2023)


78% of UK employees admitted that their mental health had impacted their ability to do their job over the past year. (Lyra Health, 2024)


49% of Human Resources leaders reported seeing an increase in mental health absences in their companies. (Headspace, 2024)

We are passionate about changing the culture of support for all parents, at whatever stage of parenting they are at. We can support them through fertility, pregnancy,
postnatal and beyond. Navigating the huge identity shift that is becoming parents is challenging enough without it coming from a place of struggle.

laura greenwood giving a talk in front of presentation screen

What Makes Us Unique?

We are the only parent-inclusive workplace wellbeing support service that was developed and is run by Psychotherapists.

Being mental-health trained, and trauma-informed means we can manage, contain and support any emotional or psychological challenges that arise within our work for you.

Evidence-based practice and safety is at the heart of everything we do.

We support parents experiencing common challenges in parenthood, right through to more complex mental health difficulties.

We support parents and carers of all genders, and do not focus only on Mothers or Fathers, because we know the key to changing the way society and individuals value parenthood and look after their mental health….is to change the way all people, men, women, non-binary alike, have been brought up to view and value this themselves.

We're proud to work with..

Our Mission

At Laura Greenwood Therapy, we are here to change the mental health of society by supporting parents.  

Everything begins with parenting, and parents have more influence on the mental health of their children than therapists do.  The more parents that can effectively manage their health, support themselves, and foster healthy relationships through effective communication, the more they model to their children how to do this effectively too.  

These are YOUR FUTURE EMPLOYEES and LEADERS.  We need a preventative approach to supporting their mental health, and I know supporting parents is the answer!

So, are you ready to support your parent and carer employees more effectively? 

How We Can Help

We will work with you in a tailored way to deliver an effective strategy to support your particular business
aims and outcomes. Our focus will always be on your parent and carer employees:

Our tailored services include:

  • FOCUSED TALKS AND WORKSHOPS related to Maternal, Paternal and Family Mental Health delivered by Psychotherapists.
  • HUMAN RESOURCES, MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP TRAINING to improve confidence and competence in supporting and valuing parent employees effectively for the greater good of your business
  • INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP SPECIALIST PSYCHOTHERAPY for any parent employees struggling with their mental health related to fertility challenges, pregnancy, parental leave, return to work and beyond. Parenting does not begin at pregnancy and Postpartum does not end at year 1 and parenting brings challenges at all stages. We can support parents, through all phases.
  • LONGER-TERM CULTURAL CHANGE PROGRAMMES to embed sustainable systemic changes to your workplace which sees parents and carers routinely supported and valued more effectively. The aim is to focus on improving key business outcomes such as recruitment, retention, productivity, reducing mental health related absences and a sense of belonging within a workplace.

Don't just take our word for it

helen saunders headshot against a purple background
Helen Saunders - Clarion Solicitors

Thanks Laura Greenwood. It was indeed a great event, enjoyed by all who attended. Your delivery was so authentic and you encouraged all the participants to reflect on their own feelings and experiences in such a supportive and entertaining manner. You will be pleased to know that we have gone on to invite those on maternity/family leave to attend further events with their babies as yours proved so successful in breaking down the barriers to attendance. We are very much looking forward to your support and insight for the dads in the Clarion Solicitors team in November. I can highly recommend Laura and Laura for their education and support of and for working parents.

You won't regret it!

Working with us, you will see tangible improvements in your employees’ mental health, company culture and overall well-being. 

Are you ready to support your employees differently?


Are you Ready to..

  • Create a parent-inclusive workplace culture?
  • Attract both current and prospective parents?
  • Retain invaluable talent?
  • Create more gender equity within your workplace?
  • Increase productivity? A sense of belonging? A workplace that fosters mutual respect between employees, managers and leaders?

Then let’s have a conversation about how we can help!

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